
The digital meeting room

A woman talking to a man and child through a video call.

A secure video meeting without hassle

DigiRoom is the solution to the growing demand for secure video conferencing. Businesses and authorities are increasingly demanding video conferencing that can be integrated into their existing systems to make it easier for users.


Efficient communication
Video, audio, text, screen and file-sharing in real-time


Platform independent
Works on iOS, Android, Mac OS, Windows 10

All you need is a browser


Natural user interface

All communication is encrypted


Professional look of the video meeting

Three gears with the letters A, P and I in each gear.

Built for Integration

DigiRoom is designed to seamlessly and quickly integrate with other IT solutions that lack a digital meeting room. Well integrated IT solutions improve the user experience. Use the Application Programming Interface (API) to smoothly create your digital meeting rooms.

The DigiRoom REST API enables you to:

  • Create and remove rooms

  • Get statistics

  • Get feedback from the users


Use Cases

Health care - doctor and patient

Call center - customer and support/customer service

Job interview - recruiter and job seeker

Retirement homes - meeting residents and relatives


Availability and Technology

DigiRoom is a novel cloud service and is offered as Software as a Service (SaaS). The video meeting supports video and audio of the highest quality. DigiRoom uses the latest telephony protocols for calls, Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC).

DigiRoom dynamically manages different network conditions to ensure the highest video and audio quality in real time. The service achieves high availability through automatic testing, continuous integration (CI), continuous deployment (CD), scalable server design and deployment on servers within the EU.


GDPR and security

DigiRoom is designed for privacy from start (privacy by design). DigiRoom saves and processes personal information minimally and only if it is necessary. Instead, personal information should be stored in the IT systems that are integrated with DigiRoom. DigiRoom offers data storage and servers within the EU/EES.

The communication in DigiRoom is secure. The participants in the meeting room use encrypted media and telephony protocols end to end.

Are you interested or do you have questions?

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